I continue to be blown away by Jude and amazed that I am now a parent. Then I think about what it must be like for Jude and that's even more difficult to imagine. He's learning things - physically, mentally and socially at an astonishing rate. He's got to learn in a very short amount of time to communicate, to move around, to affect his surroundings, to be a socially acceptable being. And I think that I'm on a steep learning curve!
It is all happening fast though and I don't always remember to note things these days.
It is all happening fast though and I don't always remember to note things these days.

He's eating "solid" food and I use that term very loosely (no pun intended). He seems to be quite into his sweet peas, carrots, beans, peas, bananas, pears, peaches and applesauce. Most of it even seems to make it into his mouth.
He's very mobile these days. He scoots and rolls around the room, and can't really be left unattended for long. He has many toys, but often seems to prefer shoes, plastic bags, floor fluff and anything else besides his toys that is left lying on the floor.
He's such a happy boy - everyone seems to notice this - he has a ready smile for just about everyone. He's very ticklish too and his laugh is now one of my favourite sounds in the whole wide world.
He's still a wiggler - he seems to be constantly in motion except when he's asleep. He hasn't master standing yet mostly because he just won't be still. We call him Elvis Legs because when you stand him up, he does this whole Elvis dance thing with his hips going wild - the girls in the 50s would love it!
Just a few more thoughts about Jude.
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From Facebook:
Hi Melissa,
I love reading your reflections about Jude and parenthood. Thanks for posting them.
And what a great title for your blog, I Call All Times Soon. It reminds me of one of my favourite quotations from the Narnia series. I think it must be in Prince Caspian, if that's the second time Lucy goes to Narnia. When she meets Aslan, she says he's bigger than before. Aslan replies, "Every year you grow, you will find me bigger." Love, Clare x
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