Speaking of appetites...Jude went in for a check up last week and we found that his weight went from being in the 50th percentile, down to the 25th percentile. The doctor, who seems to know me fairly well, said not to freak out, not to force feed him. It's basically because he moves around so much and also because he's starting to feed himself more that he uses more calories and is getting fewer of them. That's all well and good, but it hasn't stopped me from freaking out. Of course, Jude has had a cold and is teething so that hasn't helped his appetite. I've been wracking my brain trying to find ways to get more calories into the boy. He's not totally up for some of the new things I've been trying - mostly because they're still too chunky I think. I did some research online (where else) to find out how many calories a baby is supposed to have every day, and apparently, you take their height in inches and multiply it by 40. So for Jude, that is 1200 calories a day!!!! How is that even possible? The average medium jar of baby food has about 70 calories in it. Milk only has about 20 calories an ounce. He'd have to eat sun up to sun down! I just don't know. It's hard for a Mom, I know I probably am over reacting, but I am responsible for the health and well-being of this amazing child and it feels like he's lacking or suffering. It really sucks. Being a Parent is tough, though I imagine being a child might be tougher.
Other than that, Jude is wonderful. He's a speed crawler and climbing fool. He's figuring out how to go down the stairs now, sliding on his tummy. It's a bit freaky because he'll be climbing up the stairs with a parent in tow and all of the sudden he morphs into a ski shape and slides down a couple stairs.
He's also been on his first ride down a slide and on the swings. He seemed to enjoy it all, especially the slide, he looked like he was about to hurl on the swing.

I'm also working from home now. I'm back with Westside overseeing the website. It's a pretty cool fit and it's great that I can work from home.
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