So, I tidy Jude's play pen. It's not just that I put toys away, I actually put things in alphabetical and numerical order. I don't think I obssess about it though - it just gets to me when it's been chaotic for a while - I think that Jude won't be able to find his toys and won't have fun if it's all a mess. Of course, he seeks to destroy all neat stacks as soon as I make them. But that's the fun of it I suppose. Is it co-dependent that I like to tidy and that Jude is a little chaos-maker?


All the Little Penguins Lined Up in Numerical Order
In other news, we've decided to officially mark March 17, 2008, St Patrick's Day, as the day Jude spoke his first word. Here's the scenario: Colin had Jude on teh changing table and Jude was babbling away, mostly saying "bah, bah, bah" and then I walked up beside him, he looked right at me and said "mama". It was amazing. Sigh...