Sometimes when I think about Jude, my heart aches so much with love for him. It's amazing how this has happened. He doesn't really do anything to earn this devotion or depth of emotion from me. I have to pretty much do everything for him, the good, the bad and the ugly (don't forget smelly, tedious and frustrating). And yet I find myself so in love with him, wanting the best for him, saddened by any injury or illness in him. There isn't much I can imagine that I wouldn't do to protect him, to help him. Is this really how God feels about us? Does His heart ache with love for me when He looks at me, even when He sees my messes, when He smells my stink, when He hears my cries? I believe that He does, though it's hard to imagine at times. My desire for Jude is that he lives life fully, that he loves God completely and that when asked, he will live for others. I imagine that is God's desire for each of us.
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