When I look back on my childhood, it was good. As an adult, I hear about some of the circumstances that our family faced, and while I had some knowledge of those circumstances as a child, I didn’t always know how dire things were at times.
When I look back, I don’t remember the financial struggles for the most part. I remember the rides around town with Mom and Dad in the front of the truck, Stephanie, me and Bo the Wonder Dog in the back of the truck with a Big Gulp for the front and one for the back. I remember eating entire meals out of the garden, thinking it was adventurous, not realizing it was because money was short. We didn’t go on vacations to resorts and theme parks, but we did go camping and went on missions trips. I remember hours spent in the yard on amazing adventures to fantastic places, riding my horse (a saw horse with saddle and reins).
Now I look around at all that I have to offer to my sons and I hope that I don’t give them so much that their only memories consist of toys and ready made activities. I hope we can create memories together in every circumstance and stage of life that will continue to give them joy when they are my age. I hope that I can give them enough freedom from “stuff” that they can create their own adventures.
I don’t think it’s wrong to give your children good things or to go on trips and I know that I want to always be able to provide for them. But whatever circumstances we are facing - whether we have little or plenty, I want to make lifelong memories for my children that they will treasure.
Have you told your own children stories about your childhood? Have you told them your treasured memories? I think it’s a good thing to tell those stories often so that we will remember them and they won’t be lost. Write them down, record them, celebrate them. Thank those that helped you to make those memories.
Some of you don’t have many good memories from your childhood. How can you make sure that your kids do?
Summer is upon us soon (hopefully). Take time this summer to create memories with your children. Establish some fun traditions. Do something that you loved to do as a child and introduce your child to something new. Tell your stories to friends and family. Read a favorite book from your childhood. Relax. Help your children find ways to explore their world and venture into the worlds of their imaginations.

Thank you, Melissa. Telling the stories has been on my mind a lot lately. Let's talk about it more.
Thanks for that one, Melissa- great article! I often ponder the same thoughts...
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