Wednesday, May 14, 2008


So God is good. I'm still struggling with things, but I went to church tonight and found some hope. The first thing I heard was that I may not ever excel at much, but I can excel at worshipping God. That sounds a bit sad, but to me, right now, when I do indeed don't feel like I am excelling at much, it is a hopeful thing for me and I know it's the beginning of a journey for me.

I also heard an amazing message about God's provision. Ok, so the speaker happened to be my Dad, and he is my favourite speaker ever, but it was definitely something I needed to hear. I'll publish the link to the message when it gets posted on the web along with some other things that I felt God spoke to me.

In other news, Jude is a joy. He's giving lots of hugs and kisses right now which make my heart swell everytime. He's also talking pretty much non-stop and he's already laughing whenever he farts! A true boy.

1 comment:

Thru a Tori-lens said...

You excel at many things, my dear! Being a worshiper of God is not the may be the greatest. Mostly, to me, you excel at being my friend and understanding the melancholy in me. :)