Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It Only Takes a Spark

Matthew 10:42
“Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing."

The world is in bad shape in so many ways – we’ve messed things up pretty bad. It can be overwhelming to think about all that is wrong, all that needs to be done to make things better – it can be so overwhelming that it’s easy to do nothing. God understands our nature, our tendency towards the easy road. Jesus makes it very clear that the great task before us of sharing His love with a dying and suffering world is accomplished not only through great acts, but through small acts of care and love to those in need.

So there goes my excuses, “it’s too great a task”, “I’m too small and insignificant to make a difference”. There are things that I can do – there always is, I need only to look around me and I know that I will find needs that I am well able to fulfill.

Father, thank You for the great acts and the small acts of faithfulness that You have shown me in my life. Help me to take the time to notice those around me, to share Your love in big and small ways, to not drift in apathy.

1 comment:

Lamppostings said...

From Facebook:
Inspirational, real food for thought! Claudette