Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I love lists. I love making lists, I love compiling lists, I love looking at lists, I love checking things off of lists. I love different kinds of lists: to do, to buy, to watch, to read, to listen to, lists of questions, lists of traits, things I've done, listened to, watched, read, places I've been. I love them!

So I have quite a number of books of lists. Some of them list things for you, others are lists of questions, and others are full of blank lists for you to fill out about yourself and your life - those are probably my favourite. I'm also a bit of an introspective person so I like to think about what's going on inside of me and why I do what I do.
So I thought that I would occasionally take some of those question books and fill in those answers here on my blog for all the world to see.
I'll do a couple today, keeping in mind that the answers can change, be added to or deleted as I grow and change too. I hope that some of these questions and lists get you thinking too.
List all the qualities you love about being human...
  • Free will (sometimes). I trust God, I sometimes wish that He could make all my decisions for me, knowing that He loves me completely, wants the best for me and is all-knowing and all-wise. However, I am thankful that God doesn't force Himself on me in any way and when I come to Him, I do so of my own free will.

  • Emotion - again, at times, it feels like I might be better off without emotion, but through the highs and the lows, I am thankful that we have the gift of emotion. When I hear a song or read a story that moves me beyond facts, I love it.

  • I love the ability that we have to dream and hope and have faith. It's what leads us on to other things, it's what causes us to change, it's what causes us to risk and to do things that we might not naturally do.

List the components of your perfect day... (this one is so much fun and will change often, but this is what a perfect day for me would be right now.)

  • Jude will have slept all the way through the night until about 8:30 am with no stirring and I will not have awoken throughout the night wondering why he wasn't stirring.

  • Jude comes into bed with Colin and me to play for a while - we laugh and play games.

  • Up we get, dressed and off for a late breakfast, brunch it might be called, a proper English breakfast.

  • Did I mention that we are in Scotland? In Edinburgh, staying in a house on the Firth of Forth.

  • Then we are off for a walk along the beach, flying a kite along the way. It's intermittently sunny and cloudy. It's cool enough to wear jackets, but not freezing cold.

  • We head into to town to wander the streets and browse the shops. We find a lovely coffee shop where we can stop and read for a while as Jude plays in the specially designated kids play area. I choose not to have coffee, but have an Irn Bru instead.

  • We continue our wanderings through town while Jude naps in his stroller. I find some amazing clothes, on sale, that no one at home will have and that are super funky.

  • When Jude wakes up, we climb up Arthur's Seat together, we take lots of photos and have a great time rolling in the grass.

  • We head back to our rented house, Jude and Colin play together while I sit in a big over sized chair by the window reading, uninterrupted for an hour.

  • Then it's time to feed Jude some dinner and get him ready for bed.

  • The babysitter comes after Jude is asleep and Colin and I head off for the pub. We have fish and chips and talk and laugh and make some plans.

  • We move to the bar side of the pub and I have a pint of cider while we continue our talk, we play a couple games of cards too.

  • Then it's back home, say goodbye to the babysitter, make some Milo and play a game of Settlers which I win, but not by too much.

  • Then it's off to bed...

I guess that's enough for now. As I was thinking about my perfect day, I thought of so many other "perfect" days that I could have. I suppose that if I can't have it all in one day, I can make some of it happen over several days. Maybe not it Scotland...

Here's my boys, not on Arthur's Seat, but in Grandma and Grandpa's backyard. They're both making funny sounds with their lips.

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